Psychological Core Stability for Wellbeing in Workers’ Comp:
Recently I’ve been reading Scott Barry Kaufman’s book, Transcend – the new science of self-actualisation. This book explains the evolution and utility of humanistic psychology, drawing heavily on the writings and teachings of Abraham Maslow, best known for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (although he never actually drew a pyramid). Scott Barry Kaufman clarifies this fact […]
Humanising injury support – In search of Plan B
No one likes workers compensation. Keep your employees safe by humanising injury support. The cumbersome systems that have evolved cause frustration and suffering for employers and workers. Employers get saddled with unpredictably volatile costs and workers get labelled as problems to be fixed. We therefore need humanising injury support. Health professionals reluctantly and cautiously engage […]
Imagine life without Return to Work Plans
Return to work plans trigger me. I mean they are not quite as bad as their maternal manuscript, the injury management plan, that boringly verbose and unapologetic testament to command and control that comes in the post four weeks after any smidgeon of relevance has withered on the vine, but they are more ubiquitous, and hence, […]
What and how should we measure to support recovery from injury?
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted[1] Albert Einstein (attributed) Some years ago, tired of my irritating enquiries about the quality of their school day, my teenage sons started to respond to my question – how was your day boys? with a score. Seven they would say. This response […]
Humanising Workers Compensation: The Missed Opportunity
Humanising Workers Compensation: The Missed Opportunity In preparation for dipping my toe into the public arena of the RTW summit, I read through the training material generously provided by the energetic convenor, Mark Stipic. I am a podcast addict and I have been absorbing Mark’s podcasts (RTW Nation) on my daily bike ride. His positivity […]
What is the semiotics of the return to work industry?
Essay Question: What is the semiotics of the return to work industry? The current approach to rehabilitation and return to work is based on the reductionist medical model where the human body is symbolic of a machine comprised of divided parts. Wellness is then considered to be the absence of physical – and occasionally mental […]
I work in workers compensation
When I tell people, at a BBQ for example – when their PC demeanor is perhaps suppressed – that I work in the arena of workers’ compensation, the reaction is usually disappointing. It would be very rare for someone to react by saying that it must be great to work in a field where you […]
The discourse of Workers Compensation
A friend that I study with visited me recently with his wife. Cheekily, she chastised us for overusing the word discourse. Why don’t you just say conversation or talking” she suggested? Almost simultaneously, and defensively, we responded by stating our position – that discourse is so much more than the spoken words. Certainly in the workers compensation discourse. […]
Collective mindfulness in workers’ compensation
How does collective mindfulness apply to workers compensation? How do our expectations get us into trouble? Oh, and what is the meaning of life? The Pleasure of Being Right vs. Being Wrong I’m not so sure which I enjoy most anymore, being right or being wrong? My family, who are accustomed to my insatiable appetite […]
Is choice the first casualty in the Workers Compensation war?
Every day we make decisions based on insufficient information, informed by our biases and shortcuts, which ironically, we’re also ignorant to. Even in the google and Wikipedia enhanced era of information technology, oversimplification constantly tempts us. I spend most of my time guiding people through the workers compensation maze, and I’ve noticed that oversimplification is […]